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Life Skills

Life Skills

The Luckley Life Skills programme takes into account all changes linked with the Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) policy. The topic list, although a list that is liable to change to suit a specific year group’s needs, can be found on My School Portal.  By publishing the statutory topics under the new RSE guidance along with topics highly recommended by the Government’s PSHCE documentation, we hope that you, as parents, will be able to have even more meaningful conversations with your children on these important matters.

This calendar covers all statutory topics with the addition of financial education as non-statutory. Although lesson topics will be covered in the most part in conjunction with this calendar, we politely reserve the right to adapt the order of topics to suit current pupils’ needs.

For more information on our Life Skills programme or to provide suggestions on topics for our programme, please do contact Mrs Claire Gilding-Brant, Senior Deputy Head at

Useful Links

RSE Guidance from the Government: Understanding Relationships, Sex and Health Education – a guide for secondary school parents (

Careers and Finance: Barclays Life Skills: LifeSkills | Developing work and life skills (

Careers and Further Education: Unifrog – The complete destinations platform.

Internet Safety: Parents Protect – Internet Safety

Our Resources

Luckley sources material for Life Skills lessons from LoveWise and the Christian Institute as well as from EC_Resources, who provide 2020 statutory-ready, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) materials, covering every possible topic you can think of, including Mental Health, Relationships and Sex Education, Online Safety, British Values and SMSC.

Exemplar resources from EC_Resources can be found here: 

Mental Health – Positivity PSHE – EC Publishing

Internet Safety / Online Safety Quiz – EC Publishing