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Life In The City

Luckley alumnus Kam Khan is making impressive strides in the professional world through a prestigious degree apprenticeship with JP Morgan.

Kamran Khan (class of 2023) joined Luckley’s Sixth Form as a scholar and made his mark early on. Planned, highly organised and always happy to help, Kam’s ‘superhero’ campaign for Head Student earned him the position – a challenge he was happy to own. At Luckley, Kam’s positive and ambitious character was admired by all; many looking up to him for advice and support.


Kam aimed high when he applied for a degree apprenticeship at the prestigious, JP Morgan, his biggest achievement to-date. It was a gruelling and nerve-racking process, with a large candidate pool. He recalls group and one-to-one interviews and assessments, which he completed with determination and a winning attitude.

Now in his first year with JP Morgan, Kam remarks that his degree apprenticeship is providing a blend of academic learning and practical work experience – offering a fully paid Finance degree, a salary, and industry experience. And while it requires sacrifice (as he does not have the free time his university friends enjoy) his role as a Trading Assistant means he is working with highly skilled and knowledgeable employees who treat him like a colleague. True to character, Kam has fully immersed himself in working life; known by colleagues for his confidence carrying out his remit and dealing with senior traders. Mondays are reserved for his Finance studies; a remote programme with University of Exeter. Kam juggles his responsibilities well and tells me of an upcoming company charity run he is currently training for, alongside other colleagues. Early morning runs are on the agenda.



It is not all work and no play for Kam. He sets aside Saturday mornings for cricket, playing alongside other Luckley alumni. A loyal friend, he finds time to visit his old pals at their university halls of residence as well as attend evening socials. Kam relishes the opportunity to travel and we speak briefly about a recent holiday to Tenerife – providing time to unwind amongst friends.

Remembering Luckley, he recounts fond memories; the black-tie dinner, trip to Edinburgh, ‘Under the Lights’ sports fixtures and his Mathematics teacher, Mr David Hall. Back then, the juggle of getting top grades, fulfilling his Head Student duties and applying for universities seemed a heavy workload. As Kam continues to raise the bar for himself, he feels he is busier and more challenged than ever before. Aiming for a First in his Financial Degree Apprenticeship, he is comfortable with busy and thrives under pressure.


With a big heart, Kam is keen to give back to Luckley, returning to speak to students about his degree apprenticeship and provide advice to those considering something similar. Kam’s fearless, focused and can-do attitude continue to provide a winning formula which for now, is giving him a taste of working life in the City.


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