Luckley House school are delighted to have been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag with Distinction. This is the highest environmental award available from Eco-Schools, an international scheme run in the UK by Keep Britain Tidy, aimed at bringing sustainability both into the classroom and the wider school environment.
Katie Clutterbuck, Eco-Schools Lead at Luckley said, “Last year we achieved a merit so this year it is fantastic to have gone a step further and have gained the distinction. The Eco-Schools committee have some really dedicated members who have organised and taken part in a variety of activities this year, including the RSPB Schools Birdwatch, designing a pond for our new Eco-Garden and raising money for Just One Tree through a non-uniform day.”
“However, to gain a distinction, we have to show whole school commitment to sustainability and not just run an after-school club. The whole staff this year have been fantastic in supporting the Green Flag application and the report particularly praised the inclusion of sustainability themes within our curriculum and the participation of staff and students across the whole school in the efforts this year, such as a careers talk from an Ecologist alumni, the integration of nature themes into Textiles projects and a focus on sustainable food in Food Tech.”
The focus now shifts to restarting the application for a new year. The first Eco-Schools meeting of the year welcomed an enthusiastic group of Year 7s as well as familiar faces. “Our first job is to clear the pond of weed – something that pupils always enjoy! Then we need to name a new committee and decide on our topics for the next three terms,” says Mrs Clutterbuck. “I can’t wait to see what new ideas we have this year!”